April 25, 2014

Single Point of View | Identity Theft Protection

The recent Heartbleed security breach has heightened concern of identity theft. Below we highlight a few resources everyone should take into consideration so you can be proactive in protecting your identity. 
Also know that The Federal Trade Commission has a dedicated website with a lot of great information.  http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/features/feature-0014-identity-theft 

April 2, 2014

NerdWallet: Maximizing Contributions

I am 32 and max out my retirement savings every year through 401k and IRA. I also save an equivalent amount that I put into savings/investment accounts. How should I think about trading off between maximizing my contributions to retirement accounts versus putting less in my retirement accounts so I have more liquid assets to put towards a downpayment?

The bottom line is my net worth is now divided equally between liquid and illiquid (retirement) accounts. I would like to buy property, and I need more cash for a downpayment on my dream home.